Saturday, May 29, 2010

Boys will be boys...and Jesse is definitely a boy!

When unpacking a load from the car into the shack yesterday the kids were running around outside. After playing in the puddles for a bit Jesse made straight for the paddling pool which was laying on an angle, and of course had a couple of inches of water from the rain in it. Well, he had an awesome time, jumping, filling his gumboots, and of course over balancing and falling straight in the water. I didn't worry, he was having such a great time.
However it was a different story when we tried to call him inside! He took off towards the sheep paddock to talk to Auntie Maree's new sheep (who thinks it's a dog) who is really friendly. Not content with that however, he decided to fall face first into the pile of dirt Dowah and Grandad had recently delivered for the garden. Head to toe in lovely black dirt.
He's actually really heavy when you have to carry him from the shack to the house while trying to keep his wet, dirty body away from mine, and him squirming to go back to the dirt. Luckily Dowah was here to help, and we put his little cold, red body straight into the bath.

1 comment:

  1. so very cute... and I know what you mean about them been so heavy when you are trying to carry them "off" you lol
